By Todd Lockwood
In my current history class we are reading and discussing the different historical methods used in the past and present. One in particular that I think distorts theology as well as history is "traditionalism".
Tradition suppresses anything that is contradictory to itself, which is not necessarily a bad thing accept in matters of truthfulness. The degree to which tradition is subtle or crude depends upon the importance of the truth or truths that it suppresses. Again, it is not a bad thing to be part of a tradition, just in cases where tradition is truth suppressing.
In regards to theology, many traditions maintain their image at the expense of suppressing the word of God and reason. The theological quality of a tradition depends upon the severity of its suppression against both. When an individual joins a tradition they take on its image and become a suppressor to anything that is contrary to it. It is the duty of the children of God to honor him by not holding to any tradition that suppresses his word or reason.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15